Women’s Mental Health Recovery Center
The residences and facilities of the Turnbridge Women’s program and mental health recovery center are located in and around the historical community of New Haven, Connecticut. The program’s location, as well as its facilities each play a role in delivering our specialized form of mental health and addiction treatment for young women.
Location plays two important roles in the Turnbridge Women’s Program. First, environment can affect a woman’s emotional state and her ability to focus on healing. To this end, our women’s residences and clinical facility are designed and maintained to bring about tranquility, security, and peace of mind. Second, our philosophy of gradual reintegration relies on controlled and monitored re-engagement with the real-world environment to test learned skills, thoughts, and behaviors. To promote this gradual reintegration, our strategically located recovery centers allow young women to receive more responsibility and exposure to real-world triggers and responsibilities as she progresses in her mental health or addiction treatment and personal development.

Women suffering from mental health disorders, trauma, or addiction need a safe, secure environment in which to heal. Turnbridge’s Women’s Residences are carefully appointed and staffed to ensure that women feel physically and mentally safe and in a place of positivity and wellness. From deliciously prepared nutritious meals, to fitness and yoga at the in-house gyms and studios, young women will have access to everything they need to feel at home, at ease, and on their way to recovery. The beautiful furnishings, finishes, and details throughout our facilities serve as a constant reminder of the respect in which we hold the work of recovery, our clients, and our staff. This protected, serene, and gracious atmosphere also encourages the making of friends and network of supporters crucial in lasting recovery. When basic necessities of safety, housing, and nutrition are amply provided, higher level needs can begin to be addressed.
Security systems, power redundancies, and numerous climate zones ensure the highest degree of safety, continuity, and comfort so that young women and staff can focus exclusively on getting better. The Turnbridge behavioral metrics system inform the Turnbridge clinical team on the status and presentation of all clients throughout their stay.

Our locations range from quiet suburban streets to downtown New Haven. As women gain more independence and skill through therapy and experience, she is allowed and encouraged to venture into town to attend meetings, volunteer, and take on work and classes. When young women advance from one phase to the next, she may move from our quiet, secluded suburban residence to one closer to town.