The Case Managers of the Women’s Program specialize in forming open, deep and meaningful relationships with each woman they work with. These are seasoned professionals who have extensive experience working with young people suffering from mental health disorders or addiction. Their ability to relate, support, listen and comfort are balanced with their aptitude to guide, teach skills, and encourage progress. Case Managers are a woman’s primary point of contact at Turnbridge and take the lead in coordinating her therapy schedule, activities, and support her in daily life. Case Managers also serve as liaison between families and their loved one. As an integral part of a woman’s care team, Case Managers are extremely familiar with the status, direction and needs of each of their clients and regularly communicate with parents. Case Managers are also present at Family Meetings and visits to answer questions and offer a message of inspiration and hope.

Women’s Case Managers also lead the women’s therapeutic journaling practice. Journal work, as well as reading and writing assignments are a daily part of life for the women of Turnbridge. Keeping a journal has been shown to offer numerous mental health benefits. It reduces stress, contributes to mindfulness, provides a channel for letting go of the past and dealing with negative issues, and has even been shown to contribute to an overall reduction in pain. Here, Case Managers assign specific journal topics according to each client’s Continuing Care Plan to help women find clarity and witness progress as they document their learning, reflections and insights during their time in the program. Women also read and do writing assignments from ‘A Women’s Way Through the Twelve Steps’, a workbook written by renowned women’s health advocate Stephanie Covington.
Case Managers also serve as models of success. These individuals have either personally entered recovery or have worked in recovery for many years. They not only understand how to sustain a healthy, sober lifestyle, but also how to achieve their goals and desires.