Home to educational institutions, cultural activities, beautiful suburbs, and vibrant city life, New Haven is an ideal location for addiction recovery. Because our program focuses on developing a well-rounded individual ready to engage in a rich, full life following treatment, the area’s many academic, work and volunteer opportunities lend themselves to expanding the horizons of our young clients.

Additionally, young women will find a large, welcoming and well-connected recovery community in the area. Attending Step meetings of one’s choice and finding a sponsor are core to our program. We teach young women how to safely and productively find and navigate their local recovery community. As women learn to manage their addiction, exercise life skills, and demonstrate responsibility, they will be allowed to take public transportation to and from the city of New Haven during the day to shop, attend classes, or work. Practicing the skills of daily life in the real world purposely exposes clients to the triggers, temptations, and stumbling blocks of life outside of treatment. One’s ability to learn to live in a goal-oriented way and overcome the temptations of addiction, is necessary for developing the resilience key to long-term recovery.