Structured Sober Living
In Phase III, living according to plan is now second nature. While mental health and drug treatment and life skills development and planning continue, the Phase III focus shifts to actively moving in one’s future direction. Clients in Phase III are given the support they need to fully develop their aspirations and the independence they need to grow. To enact the plans made in Phase II, clients begin to enroll in college classes, take paying jobs, or volunteer at local agencies. Phase III living is a bridge designed to allow clients to experience a fully sober and satisfying life beyond mental health or addiction treatment while still under Turnbridge’s watchful care.
During Phase III, clients complete the monumental personal process of emergence that the Turnbridge experience is intended to facilitate. They come to a new understanding and acceptance of themselves, their lives, and their ability to live joyfully and richly in recovery. We know that the work of staying in recovery never ends, but we also know that by having overcome the adversity or mental health disorders or addiction, Turnbridge graduates have learned that conquering any of life’s challenges is a never-ending path to character, fulfillment, and happiness.

Phase 3 Coordinated Services:
Clinical Care
A critical shift in the focus of Clinical Care takes place during Phase III. Whereas Phase I and II Clinical Care focuses on education, Phase III clinical care focuses on practical experience. During Phase III, clients are supported by their Primary Therapists and Primary Psychiatric Providers as they put their newly acquired coping skills and life skills to use in real world situations.
Case Management
Phase III Case Managers provide clients with recovery coaching, conduct structured monitoring, and coordinate their clinical care. The Phase III Individualized Care Plan continues to address sobriety support, educational goals, employment, life skills acquisition, and family relationship building while adding a new focus on transitioning to independent sober living.
Educational Planning
To help prepare for life after addiction or mental health treatment at Turnbridge, our Academic Advisors help Phase III clients begin taking steps to ensure seamless transition to the academic institutions they will be attending following graduation from the Turnbridge program.
Employment and Volunteering
Phase III clients are engaged in one or more educational, work, or volunteering activities to help them practice living a balanced schedule. As clients demonstrate greater responsibility and accountability, they become eligible to take on more and different opportunities.
Support Staff and Resident Liaisons
Phase III residences are staffed at all times. Directors, House Managers, and Educational and Vocational Support Staff assist clients as they begin to exhibit increasing independence and productivity as fulfilled, sober young adults.
Family Program
Phase III family members, by this time, have come to a deep understanding of mental health disorders and the disease of drug or alcohol addiction. Parents have also learned how their own personal healing process plays a beneficial role in their son’s treatment. This first-hand knowledge and experience combined with witnessing the positive transformation in their son give family members a strength and hope that they share with other families in our monthly Family Workshops and support groups.
Phase III clients begin creating their own opportunities for healthy recreation and social activities. Peer support and shared activities are designed to address concerns and celebrate successes while living sober.
Health & Wellness
Phase III clients shop for their own groceries and cook for their own meals. They also create their own exercise regimen and exercise at least three times per week.
Support Group Attendance
Phase III clients continue engagement with local support group fellowships, and in many cases, become mentors to new people seeking support in the community.