Chris Hrusa is Turnbridge addiction treatment programs’s Unsung Hero for the month of August. Chris is a member of the Support Staff for Phase II, and has held that position since November 2013. Chris left a career as a sales manager, and now finds his work to be much more fulfilling. As Support Staff, he is primarily responsible for guaranteeing that the residents remain safe and sober at all times. He ensures that everyone is doing what they should do, and helps to facilitate transportation to and from group meetings. According to Chris, the most rewarding aspect of his job is seeing the guys grow. “I see them come in, and they don’t know what to do with life,” Chris said. “By the time they go to Phase III they’re responsible. I keep in contact with them, and I get to see them grow up in front of my eyes. It’s an awesome experience.” “I really don’t have a difficult part,” Chris said. “Sometimes when a resident doesn’t want to do what they have to do, they’ll see that I’m willing to work with them and they’ll work with me. There’s really nothing difficult about it. I think every Support Staff is the Unsung Hero of the month. I just observe what everyone else does, and I take their strengths, and that’s what I do.”
Chris Hrusa – Unsung Hero