Sean M. grew up in south jersey and is 24 years old. “I always considered myself a partier but never thought I had a problem,” Sean said. About 2 years ago, “I experienced the sudden passing of my father.” Sean took this tragic event very hard. “I began to isolate myself from family and friends. Through the isolation and depression my partying began escalating into addictive patterns that were beginning to affect those around me. My mom was really scared.”
At his family’s request he sought treatment. “I knew I needed a place that would give me the best shot at sustained sobriety as well as give me the opportunity to develop life skills,” Sean said. He found Turnbridge and headed to New Haven, CT.
“I found some guys that I felt I could relate to,” Sean said. “I built my sober network out in the local 12 step community and also began making friends outside of Turnbridge. I got a 12 step sponsor and began my journey through the 12 steps.”
Over the course of his stay, Sean began noticing changes in himself. “I no longer craved Heroin or any other substances for that matter,” said Sean. “I began stepping up and meeting responsibilities and commitments in my life. I was beginning to develop a life that he was proud of, one that he would go to any length to protect.”
Sean transitioned through all the phases and is currently in Phase III in safe, structured sober living home. “Now that I’m nearing the end of my stay, I am looking to transition to West Virginia,” Sean said. “I’ve been going down regularly so I can begin to develop my sober network in anticipation of my move.”
Sean reflected, “I am forever grateful for my experience at Turnbridge and I know that it has helped not only save my life but it has also helped give me a life”