Eli O. is currently a resident in Phase III of the Turnbridge program. He successfully completed primary treatment in Florida before coming to Turnbridge, and has since recommitting himself to recovery he has served as a model example to other residents. Eli began smoking marijuana around the age of 11, and drank alcohol throughout his high school years. At 13, he began abusing prescription medication. When Eli left to go to college, things took a turn for the worse, and his battle with addiction escalated. “I wasn’t doing well,” Eli said. “In college things just got bad drug-wise. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. My parents really wanted me to go to rehab, and I decided to comply with them and go.” Eli completed a program in Pennsylvania and entered a local halfway house shortly thereafter. At this point, Eli was living on his own, handling the responsibilities of daily life while focusing on his sobriety. “I learned how to be a man,” Eli said. “I learned the responsibility of living and being independent: paying bills, and having a job, things that fortunately for me I learned at such a young age. I was forced into the situation and it got me to grow up a lot faster.” Eli was sober for about 18 months before suffering a relapse, which continued on for about six months. At this point, Eli decided to recommit himself to recovery and he moved to Florida where he entered treatment. Following primary treatment, Eli moved up to Connecticut and entered Turnbridge. “I respect the people that work here and I respect having a chance to get sober,” Eli said. “I can use the tools Turnbridge offers to benefit my life in the long run. I’ve changed my perspective, and things just went easier.” Eli was hired on as a member of the Turnbridge staff, first as Phase II Support Staff and later as the House Manager for Phase III. “I try to help all the guys, show that sobriety is the way to go,” Eli said. “I don’t want anyone to go through what I went through. The only way I can help is by doing it myself. I just lead by example. I became their staff member because I was doing the things that I had to do.” In his time at Turnbridge, Eli has come to enjoy the brotherhood and camaraderie that the program fosters, and he has learned to be more patient and tolerant. “I like to do things myself,” Eli said. “I’m a control freak. The biggest thing Turnbridge does for me, it made me not have control. It made me follow someone else’s direction. They gave me time to focus only on me, which is nice. I came to Turnbridge to figure out who I am, and they taught me to take responsibility for my own actions.”
ELI O – Relapse and Recommitment