Happy family


Fall 2014 Camping Trip

Camping in Sobriety

The Turnbridge camping trip planned by Support Staff Manager Casey Olayos was a big hit amongst the TP residents.  “I planned this trip with a few things in mind,” said Casey.  “First off, I glanced back to my own personal experience as a resident here at TP and I remembered that I was only in my first few days as a resident and that everyone was going on a camping trip. As nervous as I was about being in a new place, all I could think about was being alone in the woods for a few days with 40 strangers. To my surprise I had a great time and learned so much about myself.” Drawing on that experience he was hoping that as a staff member now at TP he could help facilitate the experience he had amongst the current residents. “I really tried and hoped that most of these guys would have a similar experience to mine.”

Tommy arrived at Turnbridge the day before.  “I came via an intervention by Mom, Dad and a hired interventionist,” Tommy said.  “I felt that I didn’t belong here at first, but during the trip I slowly began to see the similarities I had with all these other kids my age. I was eager to get involved and I threw myself at the mercy of the camping trip and I had a great time. I got to know several of my peers on a level that wouldn’t have necessarily happened at the residence. We allowed ourselves to become more vulnerable, which led to many personal stories about life and addiction.”

Nathan, who also arrived, the day before the camping trip said, “I was still not feeling very good physically from the residuals of my alcohol abuse,” said Nathan.  Being nervous about that, “[he] went grudgingly.”  To his surprise he found that, “the more I inserted myself into the fray with all of my peers, the more I got involved in the activities and conversations and the better I felt.  I experienced a sense of relief that he hadn’t felt in a long time.”