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6 Benefits of Women’s Rehab Centers

women's rehab center in ct

Is your loved one battling a substance addiction? Right now, you may feel confused or at a loss, trying to determine just when and where your loved one’s drug problems began. You may blame yourself for her behaviors, or her friends for her using habits, trying to figure out the exact point she got lost. Perhaps she’s your little girl, your significant other, your sister or your best friend—how could this happen to her?

In truth, addiction is a chronic disease that can affect anyone, both young and old, men and women, no matter their upbringings. If your loved one has a drug or alcohol addiction, know that she is not alone.

According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, women are the fastest-growing segment of alcohol and drug users in the nation: Nearly 4.5 million women over age 12 have a substance use disorder, 3.5 million women abuse prescription drugs, and over 3 million regularly use illicit drugs. Currently, there are more than 4 million women in the United States needing treatment for their addictions.

Unfortunately, addiction is not an uncommon disease today – it affects millions of people nationwide. But every single addiction is uniquely its own. Everyone battling a substance use disorder is fighting a different fight, against a different drug of choice and the unique life experiences that got them there. The healing process – the recovery process – is equally unique. As you begin looking for a treatment center for your loved one, seek a program that is completely tailored to her specific needs, her age, and her gender.

There are many types of drug treatment programs out there today, from outpatient to residential, 30-day to long-term, co-ed to all women’s rehab programs. Ask yourself which treatment facility will make your loved one feel most comfortable and stress-free. Which treatment program will lead her towards the most successful recovery?

As a preeminent young women’s rehab center in Connecticut, Turnbridge has found that it is gender-specific treatment programs that most often contribute to lasting recovery for women.

Reality is, women endure very different experiences than men as they relate to substance abuse. While women are equally as likely to become addicted to drugs or alcohol, they most often carry distinct reasons for initiating their drug abuse. Women use drugs differently than men, and their bodies respond to the chemicals in completely separate ways. Women also have their own, unique obstacles in completing a clinical rehab program.

For these reasons, an all-women’s rehab center is may be the best choice when choosing addiction treatment for your daughter, wife, sister, or friend. The benefits of this type of gender-specific program are clear:

    1. The treatment methods are completely tailored to women and their unique experiences.

Did you know that the majority of women in drug treatment have experienced trauma in some way? 55 to 99 percent, to be exact. Studies have revealed that 50 percent of female addicts have experienced physical abuse, 72 percent emotional abuse, and 75 percent have experienced sexual abuse – often before their sixteenth birthday. One in four women has faced domestic violence, as well.

Abuse, no matter its vehicle, can have a profound and lasting effect on women if left unaddressed. Women’s rehab centers recognize this detriment, as well as the importance of treating trauma in part with one’s addiction. For this reason, most women’s rehab programs and the behavioral, trauma-informed therapies they enact are completely tailored to the harrowing experiences so many women face.

    2. Trust and friendships can be better built among all female group therapies.

At a women’s rehab center, group therapies and support groups are often a part of the treatment model. They are designed to discuss matters very specific to females, such as abuse, relationships, and motherhood. These groups allow women to share their experiences and relate to one another, further establishing grounds for a sober network. In an all-female therapy session, young women are more likely to share personal, intimate experiences and issues if surrounded by other women they can relate to. In mixed gender settings, it is likely some women may not confront their issues in the presence of the opposite sex. Any issues left unaddressed can prevent a successful treatment outcome.

    3. There are no distractions from the opposite sex in an all-women’s rehab center.

At a women’s rehab center like Turnbridge, clients can focus wholly on themselves and their recovery process. There are no distractions of romantic relationships and no pressures from the opposite sex. Rather, the gender-specificity eliminates any potential distractions to create the safest, most supportive environment for healing.

    4. There is an increased emphasis on mental health disorders in women.

Co-occurring disorders in women are frequent, even more so than they are in men. According to the National Comorbidity Study, 86 percent of women with alcohol dependence have co-occurring disorders such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, and depression. Women’s rehab programs are tailored to address these mental disorders. 

    5. Women’s rehab staff members are specifically trained in addiction treatment for women.

At Turnbridge drug rehab for women, clinical staff are fully trained and accredited in women’s addiction treatment. Here, there is a universal, institutional knowledge on the relationship between substance abuse and women, and each member knows how to encourage the most successful recovery in females.

    6. Coping mechanisms for post-treatment recovery are specific to women’s lives.

Women are natural caregivers. They are more likely than men to have children living with them, and are more likely to deal with challenges relating to their family’s welfare. During treatment, many women will need to equip themselves with the necessary skills and methods to maintain a lasting recovery, to care for their families and themselves as necessary, and to combat any relapse triggers or stresses that may come their way after treatment. Through life skills trainings and educational practices, women’s rehab program can help with just this.

Interested in hearing more about our women’s rehab program? You can learn more about Turnbridge Women’s Recovery Center by calling 877-581-1793 today.