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Is Anxiety the Same as Stress? A Look at Stress vs. Anxiety Disorders

difference between stress and anxiety

We hear the words “stress” and “anxiety” all the time—and most of us experience them frequently, too. About three in four American adults report physical or mental symptoms of stress, while close to one in three Americans will an experience an anxiety disorder in their lifetime.

Anxiety and stress often look the same, having both emotional and physical symptoms that feel stifling. They are also rooted in the same, physiological response – our bodies’ “fight or flight” response – that unveils when we encounter a threat. However, stress and anxiety are also very distinct. Stress is a short-term reaction to a clear trigger, while anxiety is a more incessant (and often inexplicable) condition.

Let’s explore the similarities and differences between stress and anxiety, and how to address each.

What is stress?

Stress is the body’s normal response to dangerous or difficult situations. 

When you perceive something as threatening or challenging (i.e. stressful), your body releases certain hormones that make you more alert. This innate reaction allows you to respond to situations and, often, get things done. However, it can also take a toll on the body, causing physical symptoms like shortness of breath, increased heart rate, muscle tension, sweating, and difficulty concentrating.

Stress is typically a short-term experience, calming down and resolving once a stressor is removed from a person’s environment. However, stress can become chronic or happen repeatedly. Over time, prolonged and persistent stress can trigger larger mental health issues.

What is a stress-related disorder?

A stress-related disorder is different than stress itself. Specifically, it’s a mental health condition that is caused by a stressful situation or event. Often grouped together with trauma-related disorders, stress-related disorders stem from experiences that place a significant strain on a person, emotionally or physically. For example, abuse, neglect, death, divorce, violence, and even major life changes can lead to the development of these conditions. 

Trauma- and stress-related disorders include:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Acute stress disorder (ASD)
  • Adjustment disorders
  • Reactive attachment disorder (RAD)
  • Disinhibited social engagement disorder (DSED)

Depression and anxiety can also be considered stress-related disorders, however, the primary cause of these disorders is not always stress-related. Plus, depression and anxiety show a variety of other symptoms, making them distinct conditions. 

Still, anxiety and stress often get used interchangeably. Now that we understand stress (and related disorders), let’s review what anxiety is and how it differs from stress.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a persistent or excessive worry that interferes with your ability to function. It triggers an array of emotions, including fear, nervousness, uneasiness, irritability, and fatigue. These symptoms do not go away easily. Even in the absence of a stressor, anxiety can persist and last for several weeks or more. 

Much like stress, anxiety can be triggered by things or situations that the body perceives as threatening. The body goes into “fight or flight” mode, as it does with stress—meant to prepare a person to confront or escape from danger. However, the cause of anxiety is not always apparent or explicable. Sometimes, anxiety isn’t linked to a specific cause at all. 

Anxiety can take a toll on the body and brain. Chronic, unaddressed anxiety can create larger issues with sleeping, for example, and make a person more susceptible to other physical and mental health conditions. Ongoing anxiety also disrupts one’s immune system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, and reproductive health.

When symptoms are prolonged, overwhelming, and start getting in the way of day-to-day activities, it can indicate a deeper-seated anxiety disorder.

What is anxiety disorder?

An anxiety disorder is a mental health condition that disrupts a person’s day-to-day life. It’s different than an anxious feeling; it’s an excessive worry or fear that does not stop. Even when a trigger (like a big exam, or job interview) passes, anxiety disorders persist. They crop up in situations that are not threatening, and they are often hard to explain. Their symptoms feel excessive and overwhelming, sometimes making it hard to complete daily activities or connect with others.

Often, anxiety disorders contribute to feelings of dread, tension, irritability, fatigue, and panic. Anxiety disorders can also trigger physical symptoms like shortness of breath, racing heart, insomnia, and digestive issues. However, there are various types of anxiety disorders, each with their own unique symptoms. Common anxiety disorders include:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Specific phobias (e.g. separation anxiety disorder or agoraphobia)

When a person is struggling with anxiety disorder, professional treatment is recommended. While treatments vary, depending on the type of anxiety disorder, it usually involves a combination of psychotherapy, medication, and lifestyle changes.

Learn more about treatment for anxiety disorders here.

What makes anxiety and stress so similar?

Anxiety and stress have a lot in common. For example, both stress and anxiety stem from the same fight or flight response system in the body, trigger hormonal reactions, and cause similar symptoms. While anxiety and stress are not the same, they share the following characteristics: 

  • Bodily response: 

As noted above, both stress and anxiety activate the body’s stress response (also known as the “fight or flight” response), preparing a person to deal with a perceived threat. When this happens, hormones like adrenaline and cortisol are released to heighten one’s alertness.

  • Overlapping symptoms:

Because of the similar reactions happening in the body, anxiety and stress can present many of the same symptoms. For example, anxiety and stress can cause a fast heart rate, elevated blood pressure, rapid breathing, muscle tension, and sweating. They can also impact a person’s ability to sleep and concentrate.

  • Common triggers:

External factors like school deadlines, big exams, job interviews, life changes, trauma, and financial problems can cause both stress and anxiety.

What is the difference between stress and anxiety?

While stress and anxiety share similar qualities, they do mean very different things. Below are some of the key differences of stress and anxiety:

  • Duration:

While it can become chronic, stress is usually a short-term occurrence. It goes away once a challenge is resolved or a threat dissipates. Anxiety, on the other hand, is more likely to linger. It continues even after a stressor is gone. Symptoms of anxiety can come and go, but still remain a core and constant challenge for those struggling. If you have been battling anxiety for weeks on end, it can indicate an anxiety disorder, which typically requires professional support. 

  • Distinct symptoms:

While there are some overlapping symptoms of stress and anxiety, as listed above, there are also some tell-tale signs that differentiate the two. Stress, for example, leads to temporary but intense feelings of overwhelm, unhappiness, irritability, and moodiness. It can cause anxious thoughts and loneliness. However, it’s not the same as anxiety. Anxiety is characterized by more chronic feelings of uneasiness, fear, and dread. It’s accompanied by nervousness and intense worries that are hard to control and alleviate. Anxiety can also lead to physical symptoms like dizziness and restlessness. 

  • Identifiable triggers:

We noted above that both anxiety and stress can be caused by external factors. However, there are some differences here, as well. Stress is always in response to a specific challenge or situation. Anxiety, on the other hand, can occur without any cause at all. While it can stem from difficult circumstances, anxiety often involves excessive worry and uncertainty even if there’s no immediate threat at all. It can occur without any cause, or persist long after a trigger has gone away.

  • Management:

Stress can feel overwhelming, but because it’s short-term and caused by specific challenges, it usually can be managed. Those facing stress can manage it by tackling the situation at hand and implementing relaxation techniques. Meanwhile, anxiety can feel much harder to manage on one’s own—because the cause of anxiety isn’t always obvious, it can feel out of a person’s control. As such, anxiety and associated disorders typically benefit from longer-term care and support.

  • Diagnosis:

One final, key difference between stress and anxiety is the clinical nature of each condition. Stress itself is not a medical condition. It can, however, lead to health issues if it is chronic and left unaddressed. (For example, stress can lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular issues, among other long-term effects.) Anxiety disorders, on the other hand, are diagnosable mental health conditions. There are specific diagnoses including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Panic Disorder that need professional treatment and therapy.

Coping with stress and anxiety

When stress and anxiety are left unaddressed, both can lead to longer-term issues. Studies show that chronic stress and anxiety can lead to long-term mental health challenges, making it hard for people to deal with daily challenges, plan for the future, and even get a good night’s sleep.

But the question now is, how does one effectively manage their stress and anxiety? How do they prevent longer-term or deeper-seated mental health disorders? We know stress can lead to depression, among other conditions, but it does not have to. Still, more than one-third of Americans (36%) say they don’t know where to start when it comes to managing their stress. Another third (33%) of adults say they feel completely stressed out, no matter what they try to manage their stress. 

Two-thirds of adults (66%) agree that they could have used more emotional support for their struggles, and half (52%) wish they had someone to turn to for advice and support.

In order to effectively cope with stress and anxiety, before it feels out-of-hand, we recommend:

  • Finding a trusted friend, family member, or other figure to talk to. Opening up and discussing your emotions, challenges, and thoughts can help you feel supported and heard, as well as navigate whatever you’re going through. Learn more here.
  • Creating a healthy sleep routine. Sleep is critical to your mental health, and depending on your age, it’s recommended you get seven to 10 hours per night. If you’re struggling to sleep due to negative thoughts, racing heart, and other stress-related symptoms, consider trying a new routine. Prioritize self-care and relaxation techniques ahead of bedtime, and put your screens away so that your body and brain have the opportunity to settle down.
  • Prioritizing your health and wellness. Prioritize things that make you happy and that are good for your body. For example, carve out time to do things for yourself—things that you enjoy or bring your satisfaction. Additionally, prioritize your physical health, as this can significantly impact your mental health. Getting outdoors, exercising regularly, and eating healthy meals can fuel a better mood and mental state, calming the mind and restoring your energy naturally. 
  • Talking to a mental health treatment provider. There are professionals who specialize in anxiety disorders and stress management techniques. They are available to help you get to the root of your mental health struggles, to identify your triggers, and to give you the skills you need to overcome stressors that crop up in your life. A professional counselor, therapist, or treatment facility are all possible options, depending on your condition and its severity. If you are interested in getting professional support for anxiety, learn about your options here.

Anxiety and stress are prominent in our society, yet only one in four Americans pursue mental health treatment. However, younger people are more likely (about twice as likely) to pursue treatment than older adults, recognizing the value of professional support.

Do not hesitate to get the treatment you need and deserve. You can get back on track to a healthy, productive, and meaningful life—with the skills you need to cope with ongoing stress and anxiety. Contact Turnbridge today at 877-581-1793 to get started.