Mental health is a spectrum. It varies significantly person-to-person and spans in severity. Mental health can also fluctuate greatly depending on the season or even time of day. In fact, a new study, published by the British Medical Journal, found that mental health is often best in the morning and worse at night.
According to the research, which observed close to 50,000 people between 2020 and 2022, most people report feeling their best (mentally) in the morning hours. During this time, individuals report lessened symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as their highest levels of happiness and satisfaction. However, people’s mental health tends to worsen throughout the day, with midnight marking the worst hour for those struggling.
Of course, not everyone will experience the same peaks and valleys throughout the day. The best time of day for one person’s mental state can differ enormously from another’s, just as symptoms and experiences can vary, too. While one individual might suffer from depression only at night, another might struggle with morning depression and anxiety.
Does this sound familiar to you? Let’s explore why mental health can fluctuate throughout the day and use this information to take better care of your mental well-being.
The Best and Worst Times for Mental Health—and Why
Studies show that mental health and well-being (specifically, a person’s level of happiness, life satisfaction, sense of purpose and belonging, as well as anxiety and depression symptoms) are at their best in the morning when they wake up. The worst time of day for mental health is around midnight.
The authors of the latest study believe that these fluctuations can be explained by the body’s biological clock—correlating with the ebbs and flows of hormones like cortisol, serotonin, and dopamine at different times of day, as well as our natural circadian rhythm.
Additionally, the environment is also at play—as people are exposed to various stressors throughout the day, it’s likely to take a toll on their mental health as the day goes on. Not to mention, early morning sunlight has been known to enhance mood, while darkness tends to bring more negative emotions. (This is why seasonal depression most often occurs during the winter, when there is less daylight overall.)
However, it’s important to remember that studies like this reflect averages, amongst a large group of people. Just because it’s more typical to experience depression at night, for example, doesn’t lessen or diminish the experience of those experiencing depression in the morning. As assured by the study’s author, Feifei Bu, “On average, people do seem to feel best in the morning and worst late at night. But our analyses also revealed how much individuals can vary around the overall trend. What’s true for the group is not always true for every individual.”
What’s most important for you, or your loved one, is to recognize your own patterns. From various studies, we know that mental health can change day-by-day and hour-by-hour, so it can help to record any trends you’re noticing. For example, consider keeping a mood journal and writing down your highs and lows. This will not only give you better insight into your mental health, but it can also help you anticipate when you’re more likely to feel down (or up) and plan accordingly.
If You are Experiencing Nighttime Depression or Anxiety…
If, like many, you’re more likely to feel depressed at night, do not plan hard things during that period. For example, if you know you have a big exam coming up, don’t push studying until the evening hours. Carve out time in the morning to really focus on the task at hand. This might mean getting some study time in before school or work, or taking an early lunch break to tackle the books.
Research shows that our moods tend to be most stable in the late morning hours, when problem-solving is at its peak, often making morning the best time to confront difficult situations like this.
Then, use the nighttime hours to prioritize self-care: Do something you enjoy, take a bath, eat a good meal, write in your journal, and get a good night’s sleep. We also recommend:
- Using your peak hours, during the daytime, to take care of your body. Exercise early in the day (rather than after work, for example) so that you avoid overstimulation close to bedtime. Prioritize healthy eating during the day, as well.
- Setting a bedtime routine, with consistent sleep and wake times, to help regulate your body’s circadian rhythm and stabilize your mood at night.
- Journaling in the evening and using that time to reflect on the day you had. Find gratitude in the good things that happened throughout your day, no matter how small. Take time to process or work through any difficult circumstances you encountered.
As explained by Dr. Pamela Rutledge, director of the Media Psychology Research Center at Fielding Graduate University: “The early evening may be best for personal emotional processing, such as journaling and reflection, once emotional balance is regained.”
If You are Experiencing Morning Depression or Anxiety…
If you tend to feel more depressed in the morning, don’t feel forced to conform to the advice above. Many “night owls” feel most productive and level-headed during the evening hours, while the morning tends to stir anxiety and stress. If this sounds like you, there are steps you can take to maximize your nights and improve your emotions when you wake.
As suggested above, we recommend scheduling any stressful tasks for a time when you’re feeling your best. For example, if you need to have a difficult conversation with a friend or family member, avoid doing that right when you wake up. Push those types of stressors to when you’ve had time to process your emotions, when you’re feeling more reflective, and when you are ready.
Of course, because of the way many obligations work, sometimes difficult tasks arise in the morning, too! You might need to take a hard class, or attend a meeting, at a time that’s not so ideal for you. If that’s the case, use the night before to prioritize self-care and preparation. Give yourself some control during your peak hours, so that you feel more prepared when the morning comes. This might mean meditating, going to bed early, and ensuring you get a good night’s sleep ahead of the specific task.
To make your mornings better, we also recommend:
- Getting some sunlight soon after you wake up, as sunlight can naturally enhance your mood
- Practicing mindfulness and meditation prior to starting your day
- Stretching or doing some light physical activity ahead of work/school days
- Eating a healthy breakfast and drinking water, so that you feel energized
- Creating a healthy bedtime routine at night, with minimal screens, substance use, and no caffeine intake, to ensure you get adequate sleep
Finally, if you know that mornings tend to be harder on you mentally and emotionally, be sure to give yourself grace during this time. When things start to feel overwhelming, pause and check in on yourself: What’s going on right now? Is there anything you can push to a later time? Do you need to talk this out with a friend, mentor, or therapist? Perhaps step outside for a quick mental health break (and some needed sunlight)? Taking five minutes can really slow down our mind, give us respite, and give us new perspective. Kirk Schneider, a psychologist cited by Yahoo!Life, suggests that these types of activities can allow us to “see more options than just our sadness, anger or fear.”
Taking Care of Your Mental Health, Whenever You Need It Most
Whether you experience morning depression, nighttime depression, or mental health issues throughout the day, it’s incredibly important to be aware of your symptoms and their severity. If your mental health struggles are getting in the way of daily functioning, preventing you from sleeping at night, causing you constant distress, or diminishing your quality of life, you may need professional help.
Professional mental health treatment, whether in the form of outpatient therapy or a residential program, can help you get to the root of your struggles and teach you mechanisms to cope with difficult times and triggers. Many therapists and treatment specialists are available around-the-clock, to help you in the moments you need it most.
If you are unsure where to start, consider contacting your doctor or another healthcare professional. You can discuss your concerns, symptoms, and various treatment options. Sometimes, fluctuations in mental health can be triggered by biological factors like circadian rhythm disruption. Other times, symptoms (even if only at night, or during the morning) can signal a deeper-seated mental health disorder.
You can always contact Turnbridge for support, if and when needed. Turnbridge is a recognized treatment center for adolescents and young adults struggling with mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and more. We are always here for you. Contact 877-581-1793 to learn more.