There is a very fine line between drug tolerance, dependence, and addiction. Often, it is a line that even concerned loves ones cannot fully make out. Is my son addicted to drugs, or is his body just dependent on them? Is my daughter using higher dosages to better manage her condition, or just to get […]
Author: Mark Casali
Is Experimenting with Drugs Normal, or Should I Be Concerned?
Many young people believe that trying drugs once or twice, at a young age, is not a “big deal.” Everyone is doing, right? As a parent, you may not know what to think or how to react when you find out your teen has tried an illicit drug or drank alcohol underage. You may remember […]
Dangerous Medications: Do They Really Exist?
Many people assume that, because a medication is prescribed by a doctor, it is 100% safe. The truth is, even prescriptions can be dangerous and addictive. If a medicine is misused, or used in a way other than prescribed, there may be a chance for addiction or even overdose. While we often question common side […]
Is Being Sober Worth It? 5 Reasons to Get Sober
“A bend in the road is not the end of the road… unless you fail to make the turn.” – Helen Keller When we come across difficult circumstances in life, such as a struggle with mental health or substance abuse, it is easy to succumb to feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. Many people who use […]
How to Develop a Relapse Prevention Plan
Substance addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease. This means it is possible for people in recovery to relapse, or return to drug or alcohol use after a period of abstinence. However, there are several prevention methods that individuals can take to reduce their chances of relapse significantly. For example, long-term drug treatment programs often make […]
What is Self-Medication, and What are the Dangers?
Are you, or is someone you love, self-medicating with drugs or alcohol? Self-medication is the practice in which a person misuses drugs or alcohol in an attempt to feel better – typically, to manage distress or pain caused by a health condition. Rather than seeking professional treatment or advice, many individuals will turn to drugs […]
What are the Long-Term Effects of Mental Illness, When Left Untreated?
Mental health disorders are extremely common, though they are not always apparent. More than likely, you have neighbors, friends, family members, or colleagues struggling with symptoms of a mental health condition. Each year in the United States, an estimated 1 in 6 youth experience a mental illness. Even more adults – about 20% in the […]
What Causes Mental Illness in Youth?
Most mental illnesses develop between adolescence and young adulthood. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 75 percent of mental health disorders begin by age 24. While it is devastating to think about our children struggling with mental illness, it is an important reality to face: 1 in every 6 youth experience a mental […]
Everything You Should Know About Inpatient Drug Treatment
Finding the best treatment center for your loved one is an important, yet often overwhelming, task. You want to find the program that will position your loved one for success. One that will keep your loved one safe, secure, sober, yet also comfortable. One that has constant care and support resources. Perhaps your clinician recommended […]
Substance Abuse and Pregnancy: What Women Should Know
Pregnancy has an inherent ability to motivate women towards healthier behavior: nutritious eating, adequate activity, and a halt in substance use. However, some women are battling substance addiction at the time of becoming pregnant. In these cases, it is very difficult to quit. Although most women are aware of the harmful effects of substance abuse […]