Substance addiction can affect anyone, of any age, background, or socioeconomic status. It does not discriminate. Today, substance addiction affects more than 20 million Americans over the age of 12. However, every person experiences addiction differently. Individual experiences will depend on factors like their mental health, life circumstances, and drug(s) of choice. Similarly—how long they […]
Author: Mark Casali
What are the Signs of ADHD in Teens?
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, most commonly known as ADHD, is one of the most prevalent mental health conditions in children and adolescents. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), roughly six million young people have been diagnosed with ADHD in the United States. More than half of these individuals (3.3 million) are teenagers, between the […]
“I Need Help With My Teenager!”: A Guide for Parents with Troubled Teens
Parenting a teenager can be challenging at times. As teens experience surges of hormones, pressures from friends, changes in their bodies, and identity struggles, their behaviors can become rash and their emotions hard to control. They may (and often) “pull away” from their parents in efforts to establish more independence in their day-to-day lives. All […]
What are the Signs of Anxiety in Teens?
It is normal for children to experience fear and worry as they grow up. For example, children might feel afraid when they are away from their parents, or worried about fitting in with their peers. Adolescents are no exception. Teenagers can be worried about going to a new school, afraid of making friends, or anxious […]
How Do Parents Affect their Children’s Mental Health?
Parents have an undeniable influence on their children. Parents have an affect on their child’s values, choices, behaviors, and overall health. Mental health is no exception. Parents play a key role in how their child perceives the world, reacts to certain situations, and feels about themselves and their own self-worth. This, in turn, can play […]
How Does Mental Illness Impact the Whole Family? A Guide for Parents
Mental illness is devasting, and not only for the person affected. Mental illness can also take a toll on loved ones and family members. It can be deeply painful for family to watch their loved one—whether a child, parent, or sibling—struggle. It can also be confusing, exhausting, and stressful, as the family navigates what to […]
What is a Group Home and Is it Right for Treating Mental Illness in Teens?
The teenage years are difficult, for adolescents and parents alike. As their bodies go through significant changes (emotionally and physically), teenagers can be moody, rebellious, impulsive, withdrawn, and resistant all at the same time. They may act out, break rules, and prioritize their time with friends over their time with parents. This is normal. However, […]
What are the Signs of Depression in Teens?
It is not uncommon for teenagers to be irritable, emotional, and defiant at times. It is also not unusual for teens to sleep in late, or to spend less time with family, as they develop more independence in their day-to-day lives. However, these expected or “normal” teen behaviors make it very easy for parents to […]
Undiagnosed Mental Illness: What You Should Know
In any given year, it’s estimated that 1 in 5 Americans will experience a mental illness. This means that someone you know – and potentially someone you love – is struggling with their mental health. Mental illness is widespread, yet it often is overlooked. It’s considered a “silent disease,” as many people struggle alone and […]
At What Age Does Mental Illness Begin? The Onset of Mental Illness
Research shows that the promotion of good mental health and early intervention before or at the onset of mental illness can greatly improve patient outcomes. Parents and loved ones who suspect a child is struggling with mental health should know that these disorders can start at an early age, but that treatment and recovery is […]