Truly, family is everything. We have found a direct correlation between family support and client outcomes. When families buy into the process of care, maintain healthy boundaries and learn to understand the mental health disorder or addiction in their loved ones, they become a powerful part of the healing process. To support family involvement in the Turnbridge process, we work to educate families, manage their treatment expectations, and train family members to play a healthy and active role in the treatment and care of their loved ones.
Turnbridge offers several programs and resources for family members, and encourages families to remain actively engaged in the mental health treatment process and their own healing throughout the entire Turnbridge process. Our Family Liaison becomes a deeply appreciated resource to parents and loved ones, and typically takes part in most intakes and Initial Family Meetings (IFMs) that take place at the beginning of each phase. Monthly Parent Support and Sibling Support groups allows immediately family members of current clients and alumni to come together to share, learn, give hope, and help heal.

Our Intensive Family Healing Workshop, authored and facilitated by noted Family Healing Consultant Diana Clark, JD, MA, educates family members about the disease of addiction, encourages the examination of one’s role in the family system, and provides strategies for identifying and addressing addictive behavior. These once-monthly Sunday workshop sessions are psychoeducational in nature and help families to understand the scope of what their child is facing and manage expectations on the time it takes to heal.