The traditional methodologies associated with mental health and substance use disorder are often ineffective for young adults. Simply put – young adults with mental health issues have different needs and moreover, respond differently to traditional mental health and drug treatment. Because these clients often suffer from social anxieties, distorted self-perception, and intensified emotional reactions that can interfere with treatment, we have found that they need a very serene healing environment surrounded by peers of similar age and gender.
As a result, our clinical services are uniquely tailored to address the specific needs of dually-diagnosed young men. These young men reside in state of the art facilities, which are built and designed to create a sense of calmness and comfort that is obvious for most, but critical for individuals with co-occurring disorder. This coupled with an unusually high staff to client ratio of 1:1 makes us uniquely equipped to handle the vast amount of immediate attention these young men crave.

With over a hundred staff members, we are able to allocate a team of 40 people, whose sole function is to track what our clients are doing on an hourly basis. This information is vital to the transformative process and visible to each client’s collective care team in real time.
By using this collaborative team approach, daily face-to-face connection, intensive behavioral monitoring system, and evidenced-based integrative DBT, CBT and mindfulness techniques, we are able to facilitate unique opportunities to identify patterns while gathering and tracking actual behavior. As a result our clinicians can create and implement individualized treatment plans that are tailored to the specific needs of each client.