Phased programming is integral to Turnbridge and is among its earliest and most important treatment innovations. Segmenting Turnbridge extended care programming into three phases transforms its efficacy and benefits for each client and family while maintaining a healthy and growth-oriented milieu that enhances the treatment experience.
Phased programming overcomes barriers that prevent young people from succeeding in treatment, improves the Turnbridge experience for clients at different stages of change, and recognizes differing needs and clinically-important milestones throughout treatment.
Phase I clients, those entering and in the early stages of treatment, tend to experience ongoing symptoms of the mental health and substance use conditions for which they are being treated. As a result, they sometimes believe treatment is unnecessary and feel uprooted from their routines and home and school environments, making them resistant and unwilling to engage in programming fully. To help Phase I clients acclimate to the Turnbridge environment and become participatory, they receive high levels of recreation, peer interaction, and relationship-building activities while being gradually introduced to each facet of their treatment plan. Phase I clients live in a dedicated, highly-supervised residence as they build a foundation of healthy behaviors and positive social interactions that help them feel more open to participating in the Turnbridge treatment process and the promise of completing care. Phase I starts an ongoing process of life skills development, comprehensive therapy, and envisioning holistic health and wellness goals. Phase I clients receive a full range of personalized psychotherapies, psychoeducation, academic services, fitness, and nutrition education, life skills training, and substantial recreational activities. They also begin vital relationships with the therapists, case managers, psychiatrists, nurses, and other Turnbridge team members with which they will work throughout their treatment stay.

When care team member consensus, client beliefs and behaviors, and objective behavioral metric data indicate that clients have achieved Phase I treatment goals, they leave the Phase I residence to continue their treatment journey. Moving from a Phase I residence to a Phase II and III residence improves morale, signifies crossing a critical threshold, and gives clients a palpable sense of progress and achievement. Phase II and III residences, while carefully supervised, offer increasing independence and responsibility. Phase II and III clients are getting themselves to and from the clinical center and managing a rigorous daily schedule of activities. These clients understand their personal goals, demonstrate a high level of programming engagement, and communicate with parents, guardians, and loved ones about their progress and future plans. They often enter or continue college or other educational paths, work, and attend local community support group meetings. Crucially, Phase II and III clients are bonding with and helping one another to feel better, adhere to treatment plans, and find success, fulfillment, and enjoyment.
Phase III clients are actively living in recovery from mental health and substance use disorder. These mature clients demonstrate mastery of self-care and self-advocacy skills and lead independent lives while planning their steps following Turnbridge. In addition, many Phase III clients act as mentors to newly arriving Phase I clients and share stories about their progress since coming to the program.
The advent and use of phased programming facilitate a more personalized and positive client and family experience. Phased programming and objective behavioral health metrics to substantiate phase transitions are keys to improving Turnbridge’s long-term outcomes.