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Turnbridge operates leading mental health and substance abuse treatment programs throughout Connecticut. This blog is a resource for people seeking addiction and mental health recovery information and inspiration, and the latest Turnbridge news and events.

Is Your Teen Struggling? Signs of a Struggling Teen & How to Help 

Struggling teens are all around us. According to the CDC, suicide rates and mental health issues among teenagers have been rising for years—even before the global pandemic. Roughly 40% of high school students report persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness, while 20% of students, or a devastating 1 in 5 teenagers, have seriously considered attempting […]

Adolescent Behavior Problems: What Can You Do About Them? 

Defiance, violence, rebellion, isolation, mood swings, outbursts. Lying, testing boundaries, breaking rules. Do any of these phrases resonate with you?   If you’re a parent of a teenager, your answer was likely “yes.” Teenagers have a tendency to go against the grain, push boundaries with their parents, and seek independence and identity outside their family unit. […]

Can Stress Cause Depression? What You Need to Know 

Stress is our body’s natural response to challenging or taxing situations, and an innate survival tactic that we, as humans, all share. As such, our bodies are well-equipped to handle stress every now and then, in small doses at a time. However, when stress becomes chronic and persistent, it can cause other health-related issues and […]

A Guide to Dual Diagnosis in Mental Health

About one in every five people in the United States are battling a mental health condition like depression or anxiety. What’s shocking to many, though, is that these individuals are not simply battling one disorder. Oftentimes, those struggling with their mental health meet the diagnostic criteria for multiple disorders at once. As research evolves, studies […]

Psychotic Break vs. Nervous Breakdown: What’s the Difference?

We’ve all heard of cars and machinery breaking down, but humans can reach breaking points, too. A breakdown refers to a sudden inability to function at full capacity, due to physical, mental, or emotional challenges. Depending on the type of breakdown, a person might lose their ability to carry out day-to-day activities. Alternatively, they might […]

The Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as seasonal depression, affects millions of people across the United States. Those struggling will experience extended periods of sadness, hopelessness, low energy, and anxiety—echoing the symptoms of major depression—at certain times of the year. Typically, though, the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder are temporary, resolving when the seasons change. […]

Can Seasonal Affective Disorder Be Treated?

As the seasons change, so can a person’s mood and mental state. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that happens at certain times of the year, disrupting one’s ability to function and find happiness. If you or someone you love is experiencing persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, low energy, and other symptoms […]

New Research Finds a Link Between Lead Exposure and Mental Health Problems

Most of us know that lead is bad for our bodies and the environment. It’s a pollutant that endangers our waters, air, and most living creatures. It’s also a well-known neurotoxin, disrupting cognitive function and development. But recent news has exposed another stark truth about this heavy metal: Lead exposure during childhood can lead to […]

Depression and the Holidays: How to Navigate the Holiday Blues This Season

Despite the festive lights lining our streets, the holidays are a dark time for many individuals. Between the stress of gift-giving, the overwhelming social and family obligations, and the short, cold winter days, there are a lot of factors that contribute to emotional exhaustion—and what many call the holiday blues—during this time of year. If […]

How to Take Care of Your Mental Health (And Why It’s So Important)

The New Year is here, bringing about a renewed sense of hope and health. As we kick off 2025, many people will reprioritize their fitness, their finances, and their friendships, making resolutions for the year ahead. However, an increasing number of people are also focused on their mental health this year, according to a new […]