Young Adult & Teen Residential Treatment in CT | Turnbridge

Build a life worth protecting.

The preeminent mental health and substance use disorder treatment programs for young adults and adolescents

smiling young ladies
live concert
white water rafting

Worth Protecting

Turnbridge® has helped thousands of young adults and teens overcome mental health, behavioral, and substance use challenges by transforming these afflictions into opportunities for personal growth, and by helping them build lives worth protecting.

For nearly two decades, we have been positively affecting the lives of our clients and their families through a comprehensive three-phased approach that is designed to help young people take the learnings from therapy and successfully apply them in the real world. Learn more about our effective combination of clinical best practices, academic & vocational programming, life skills development, and recreational experience by selecting one of our age-specific programs above.




Nothing feels quite as good as being truly free. Unburdened from our stresses, pressures, and compulsions, we become open to the possibilities of true happiness and authentic belonging.

At Turnbridge, we believe that before we can determine how to best lead our lives, we must first remember why we are alive. Recreation plays a central role in the Turnbridge program. Turnbridge clients take part in regular outdoor activities, cultural events, adventures, sports, fitness, and leisure activities. By experiencing the joys of our natural world and the insights of the arts and humanities, we discover the many reasons to engage authentically and purposefully in our world. At Turnbridge, receiving the most comprehensive holistic mental health and substance use treatment available is also one of the most enjoyable and transformative experiences in one’s life.




There are no stronger bonds than those forged helping one another become our best. The moment one arrives at Turnbridge, they become part of a large and strong family. The friendships built here last lifetimes.


Profound Change

There is a point at which lessons learned become wisdom earned. Overcoming our challenges and leading the lives of our choosing requires more than education, training, and treatment. It takes learning why and how we choose to embrace life and passionately pursue personal fulfillment. It takes hard work, practice, and the ability to appreciate our personal growth. Turnbridge helps clients engage in and value every aspect of life including physical health and fitness, mental health and well-being, spiritual identity and self-empowerment, relationships, academics, and career planning. Through expert guidance, supportive friendships, lived experiences, and thoughtful self-reflection, Turnbridge clients come to recognize within themselves the ability and desire to thrive.




There is no substitute for the experience of living purposefully. At Turnbridge, young people learn to actualize their innate assets, developed skills, and relationships to achieve lives of spiritual richness, true fellowship, and authentic joy.



Few of us realize the power that comes from living in recovery. People who manage and overcome the challenges of mental health and substance misuse are capable of accomplishing anything.

By the time Turnbridge clients enter the third phase of programming, they will have received more individualized specialty care, taken part in more and deeper introspection, and experienced greater mental and physical change than most people experience in a lifetime. They will be of sound mind, strong body, and enriched spirit. Important relationships will be renewed and new ones formed. New pathways and opportunities will have been discovered. They will be leading lives that they know are worth protecting, and will be excited to take on the world anew. They will possess the power that comes from understanding how to successfully manage one’s challenges, hone one’s strength, and harness their limitless potential.


Join a family unified by shared experience, unending support, and unyielding spirit. Here, we live with purpose and passion, act as beacons of hope, and embody the transformative power of recovery. From here, anything becomes possible.

To speak with an informed and empathetic expert about our programs for adolescents, young women, and young men, call us at 877.581.1793 and ask to speak with Admissions.